Long time no chat

It’s been almost two years since I updated my blog! I’m not great at this website thing, apparently.

That being said, my biggest issue is my internet service. Anyone who has come to me for photos knows I live in a rural area, and uploading photos is especially taxing, if it even works. I have to go to someone else’s house just to upload galleries! So until I get this rectified, I’m unable to do the wonderful session posts I want to do.

Here are a few 2023 updates for anyone looking to book:

  1. I’m about 3/4 full for the year. If you’re wanting a family session with me, please reach out soon to get on my list. I can either book a date with you now, or record your preferred month/season and reach out when we have a better idea of schedules.

  2. As with 2022, all outdoor sessions UNLESS held at your home or a property special to you will be held in Fredericton Junction (the only exception being if you’re more than an hour away and can’t easily travel to me). There are numerous reasons why - I have access to gorgeous places that I know inside and out, and I know the light here in every kind of weather. I also dislike shooting in places with a lot of people (Odell Park, the walking bridge, etc.). Of course, I’m happy to discuss any special circumstances, but the default is your choice of locations local to me. Mileage charges apply for sessions away.

  3. I am no longer accepting weddings unless they are short elopements or are close friends/family.

    If you have any questions at any point about my sessions, availability, or something you’re wanting to try, just reach out! I am confident enough to say ‘no’ if it won’t work, and suggest someone who can help you reach your photography goal. But I’m also adventurous enough to jump on board with all sorts of great ideas. Happy 2023. <3